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Are You Writing Matric This Year?

Welcome To Oxbridge Academy’s Info Centre For  Matrics  

Matric dances, mock and final exams, questions about what you’re going to do next year… it can all be a little overwhelming. It’s likely that you have questions – lots of questions. And we’d like to provide some answers.


Before we do that, though, we have a question for you:
Do you know what career you want to work towards after Matric? If not, take our career quiz by watching the interactive video here, and find out what career path would suit you:

Study Options

Now that you have an idea of what career you want to pursue, you’d probably like to know what your study options are.


You have two main choices to consider:

  1. University or college (or another type of training institution)? Click here to view the differences between going to university and going to college
  2. Classroom-based learning or distance learning? Click here to view the differences between classroom-based learning and distance learning

At this point, we need to tell you that Oxbridge Academy is a distance learning college. This means that you can study with us in your own time from home – no more sitting in a classroom! Instead, if you study with us, you will have the freedom to work out your own study schedule, to reach out for personal help from an industry-expert tutor when you need it, and even to work and earn money while you study.

Now, You Might Be Wondering:

College Or University – How Do You Choose?

Maybe you’ve grown up thinking that going to university is the only way to be successful. Or maybe you’ve heard that going to college is only an option if you can’t get into university. And maybe you’ve never been told what all your options are for when you leave school.

Whatever the case may be, we’d like to make sure you have the information you need to make an informed decision. Going to study after school is a big commitment, and there is no one right answer when it comes to making a decision between college and university. It all depends on you, and on what your career goals are.

What To Expect As An Oxbridge Academy Student

In this video, you will find out how the registration process works, how you will be welcomed to the college, and what you need to do to succeed in your studies… and more!


If, after looking at the infographic, you decide that you want to study at a college, you need to choose a course. Use our course finder to discover courses that would be a good fit for you:



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