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Engineering Courses

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for an Engineering Apprenticeship

Are you struggling to find an engineering apprenticeship? You might be making an easy-to-fix mistake. By reading this article, you can learn what to do – and what not to do – if you want to secure your apprenticeship.

Getting Started

When you apply for an engineering apprenticeship, you need to consider all your options – and do your research – so that you can find a position that will help you reach your training goals.

The engineering field is highly diverse, which means that there is a large variety of entry-level job opportunities and internship positions available to choose from. So when deciding which position(s) to apply for, you need to think about aspects like:

  • What field would I like to specialise in? Electrical engineering? Mechanical engineering? Or maybe even civil engineering?
  • What type of company would I like to work for? A big one or a small one? One that might be willing to offer me a job once I’ve completed my apprenticeship, or one that will give me good experience, but won’t be willing to offer me a permanent job? One that is well-known in the industry, or one that has potential for growth?
  • What are the entry requirements for the apprenticeship that I want to do? Should I have completed my theoretical training, or will the theoretical training form part of the apprenticeship?

Once you’ve identified the positions that you would like to apply for, you can start with the application process. And when you’re preparing your application, make sure to avoid these mistakes:

1. Not double-checking your personal details

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised at how easily a small mistake (such as a typo or spelling mistake) can slip into your application. Be sure to read through your CV and application documents before you send them in – or even better, ask a friend or family member to scan for errors on your behalf.

You wouldn’t want to miss out on the perfect apprenticeship because of a silly error such as providing the wrong contact details in your application documents!

2. Not listing all your relevant qualifications and experience

It is important to list not only all the qualifications and training courses you’ve already completed, but also those you are currently busy with. This way, your prospective employers will be able to see how much training you are still likely to require, and will be able to make an informed decision regarding whether or not you would be a good fit for the company. If they can see that you’ve already completed your basic theoretical training, for example, they might even be more willing to appoint you.

And when it comes to work experience, remember that any skills you’ve learned in previous jobs – even jobs as a cashier at the grocery store, for example – could count in your favour when applying for an apprenticeship. You should therefore make sure to include your previous work experience in your application.

3. Not doing enough research about the company (or companies) that you are applying to

If you do proper research about each company that you want to apply to, you will be able to adapt your application so that it is specifically suited to each position – which will help you show your prospective employers that you are truly interested not only in the job, but also in the company and its values, goals, and objectives.

During the interview stage, too, it will count in your favour – and help you to stand out from other candidates – if you can show that you are familiar with the company, its culture, and the type of work that it does.

Employers look for applicants who show a genuine interest in their companies – and if you don’t do your research properly, the employer is likely to notice.  He or she might then assume that you are applying simply for the sake of getting a job, and that you are not really all that interested in helping the company to achieve its goals.

4. Not applying for more than one apprenticeship or position

Ever heard the saying about not putting all your eggs in one basket? Well, this is particularly applicable when you’re applying for a job. Yes, you might have identified the perfect apprenticeship, but there are no guarantees that you will get it. Applying for more than one position will increase your chances of securing an apprenticeship. So don’t make the mistake of limiting yourself to applying for one position only.

And even if none of your initial applications are successful, don’t give up – you can always keep on looking for new opportunities that become available.

You can even improve your chances of finding an apprenticeship by improving your theoretical knowledge and developing basic technical skills – by studying an N1 – N3 Engineering course on a part-time basis via distance learning.



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