When you decide on a career you would like to pursue, you want to excel in that field. And for you to make the best of your career and move up in the workplace, it is important that you consider the fact that the working world is constantly changing and that you need to keep improving yourself by gaining new skills to keep up.

A good way to stay ahead in your trade is by studying. Studying while you work is challenging, but it has many benefits that will ensure that you don’t get left behind.

Here are 4 reasons why studying part-time is good for your career:

1 – You can develop relevant, up-to-date skills that will advance your career

The option of studying part-time while you work a full-time job gives you the advantage and opportunity for possible career advancement. The great thing is that you can enjoy a salary and job security while gaining the necessary skills that will equip you for a higher position. Not only will this benefit you professionally, but you will also be investing in your personal development.


2 – You can work towards your qualification while you gain experience

Employers are looking for a skilled and educated workforce. They also admire determined, goal-oriented people who know what they want and are motivated to get it. If you are working while trying to earn a qualification, your employer may even offer you a more flexible work schedule to accommodate your studying. And if you are working in a field that is related to your studies, you will be able to gain relevant on-the-job experience while you are studying towards your qualification.


3 – You improve your time management skills

While having a job and studying part-time may be challenging, it also teaches you a valuable skill for both your career and your studies. Learning how to effectively manage your time improves your quality of work, helps you learn to handle multiple tasks, and teaches you to prioritise. These are all important aspects of being a good employee and student. None of your work should suffer once you learn to balance school, work, and your personal life.


4 – You are less reliant on student loans

Studying part-time while you work gives you the peace of mind of not having to rely fully on student loans to finance your studies. Some employers are even willing to pay for your studies, or to reimburse you for a portion of your study fees – so make a note to ask your employer about this before you register for a course.

With the availability of a variety of study options, you can also opt to study online, or via correspondence, and pay less for your course. Some institutions, Oxbridge Academy included, will even allow you to pay for your course in monthly instalments, instead of expecting you to pay the full amount upfront.


While the growing demands of holding down a job, juggling your personal life, and making time for your studies may seem like a lot to handle and can sometimes be overwhelming, look at the benefits that part-time studying offers you. Your career will benefit a great deal. You can reach your career goals and see yourself progressing in the workplace, improve your time management skills, and save on study costs while getting the qualification you want.


Are you ready to take the leap and achieve your goals while improving your life? Click here to start studying part-time today.