In the last 10 years or so, digital technology has completely changed the world of education. But when talking about these changes, it is only fair to ask: How has new technology made it easier, and more affordable, to study? 

View the infographic below to find out:


1. Education from Anywhere!

Distance learning has always been an awesome and affordable study option. And the internet has made it even more so! Now you can access any course you want or need to take from practically anywhere in the world. This means more saved time, more flexibility, more accessibility, and being able to save more money!Internet browser

2. Communicating Digitally Daily

Digital communication – from Skype and email to WhatsApp and social media – does not only make communication much faster and easier, but also infinitely cheaper! At Oxbridge Academy, for example, you can email your assignments or submit them electronically via the Student Portalno more paying for printouts or postage stamps when submitting your assignments.


3. Free Wi-fi all around! 

The rapid spread of Wi-Fi hotspots across the world (including South Africa) means that you can access the internet, do research, submit assignments, and download study material for free from any number of public places.
To find out where you can find all the free Wi-Fi spots in South Africa, read: Where to Find Free Internet Connection in South Africa

Going paperless

4. The Paperless Revolution 

E-books are amazing. Upload them to your tablet or phone and you always have your study material at hand. And not only are they more affordable than their printed versions – but they can often be downloaded for free.
You can visit our e-library to download some awesome free e-books! And if you are a registered student, you can even download some of your Oxbridge Academy textbooks from the Student Portal.


5. Smarter Smartphones

No-one goes anywhere without a smartphone these days. Though these devices allow you to take Instagram snaps, or play Candy Crush wherever you are – you can also use your phone to download a number of useful free study apps. Click on the link to see the 12 Free Apps Every Student Should Have.

Social media

6. Using Social Media to Study

Colleges now offer amazing study resources on their social media pages: everything from study guides to resources that will help you write your CV. And of course – these are all free.
Moreover, social media has in itself become a study resource for distance learning students, helping them access a fuller college experience, without having to pay for it. To find out more about this, read: How Social Media is Changing the Face of Distance Learning

Academic articles

7. Online Academic Articles  

Google Scholar and Google Books are two of the best places to find online academic sources when writing an essay. You can read countless academic articles and books (or parts of them) for free using these sites. This means that if you are writing an academic essay, you don’t have to use expensive academic databases or travel all the way to a university library to find good, reliable research.

Taking Distance Learning into the Future

Oxbridge Academy, an established distance learning college in South Africa, has been around for almost 20 years now. But we are always looking for new ways to embrace the future – from online Student Portals to digital study material. We are even working on full online courses to form part of our curriculum in the near future!

Click here to find out more