We’ve compiled the following checklist to help you find out how advanced you are.
You’ve heard it many times before: To be successful in the modern workplace, you need to understand and be able to use technology. Contrary to popular belief, you actually don’t need to be a technological whizz to succeed. You may be surprised to find that a fairly basic knowledge of technology will usually be enough to perform your tasks effectively.
Can you use the internet?
The internet is arguably the most powerful and useful tool available to you. Browsing the internet with search engines such as Google has become easily accessible and you may well use this feature on a daily basis on your cell phone or computer. The internet contains a wealth of educational material that can help you to learn and expand your skills. In many careers, it also plays a very important role in carrying out duties on the job. So if you can use the internet, this is already a big tick off your checklist!
Can you use email?
Email is used in every workplace as a formal method of communication with colleagues and clients. Being able to write professional, error-free emails is a vital skill, not only in the workplace, but also in the process of searching for a job. The way you compose your emails can have a huge influence on the impressions you make on potential employers. A sloppy email, or one that is too informal, can greatly damage your chances of being considered for a job. So, make sure that you know how to write formal, polite and well-structured emails that are free of spelling and grammar errors.
Do you have knowledge of commonly-used software?
General computer software, such as Microsoft Word, Skype and Excel, is used in the majority of workplaces. Cloud storage systems such as Dropbox and Google Drive are also increasingly being used in businesses. If you can use programs such as these[SN1], then you’ll have a sound foundation for a variety of careers.
Do you know about software that is more specific to your chosen career?
Many jobs require an ability to work with more specialised programs. Bookkeepers and accountants need to know how to use accounting programs such as Pastel. Graphic designers need to be familiar with using Photoshop and InDesign. Web developers need knowledge of programming languages such as Java and Python. It’s important to educate yourself on using the specific software you will need for your particular career. College courses will generally include information on how to use these tools.
Can you promote yourself online?
Employers use online platforms to advertise vacancies and look for potential candidates. When you’re looking for a job, then you need to be visible to these recruiters. If you aren’t already on LinkedIn, then sign up and create a profile with all your skills and qualifications. Even while you’re employed, you should always be updating your LinkedIn profile as you build experience and learn new skills. You should also create a CV to store on your computer and upload onto job sites when you’re looking to apply for jobs. In addition, social media can be a valuable tool for marketing yourself. Don’t be afraid to promote yourself, even on your personal Facebook or Twitter profile. Someone might be able to help you with reaching your goals.
Do you stay up-to-date on trends?
Technology is constantly changing and advancing. You need to be willing to move with the times. Adopt a mindset of adaptability and stay up-to-date with the latest technological trends to ensure that your skills stay relevant!
If you answered ‘yes’ to the majority of these questions, you’re well-equipped to succeed in the modern workplace. Even if you’re not a tech junkie, you’ll be able to pursue a wide variety of careers with the handful of skills listed above.
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