Children go through distinct stages of development as they grow from infants to toddlers – and during each stage, various physical, mental, and social changes take place.  Before we go any further, let’s look at some interesting childhood facts:

Did you know that children laugh about 300 times per day?

Now let’s take a look at the different stages of childhood development from birth to 24 months:

(Source: )

Birth to 1 month:

  • For the first month of his or her life, a baby sleeps about 20 – 22 hours a day and requires 5 – 9 feedings during the day.
  • Please note: This is not the case for every child. If a baby is crying for a feed, there is no reason why you cannot give the baby an extra feeding.

2 – 3 months:

  • At this stage, according to Childhood Development Institute, the baby has already developed a range of sensory abilities, like being able to perceive colour.
  • A caregiver should now be able to recognise distinct sounds made by the baby, such as crying, grunting, and the “cooing” sound.

4 – 6 months:

  • At this stage, the baby becomes more social, and starts making babbling sounds.
  • The baby’s movements are becoming more controlled, and he or she may be able to roll over onto the tummy.
  • The baby can now usually tell the difference between his or her mother/primary caregiver and other people.

7 – 9 months:

  • This is the stage at which the baby might start crawling.
  • At this stage, a baby is likely to be strongly emotionally attached to his or her mother, and may show displeasure at being separated from her.

Worried about the fact that your child isn’t crawling yet? Read the following articles:

10 – 12 months:

  • This is the stage at which the baby might start standing, saying a word or two, and responding to basic commands.
  • By this stage, the baby might be sleeping about 12 hours per day.

12 – 18 months

  • At this stage, the child might be able to walk short distances.
  • The child may be able to feed him- or herself.

Click here to read more about self-feeding as a developmental milestone

18 – 24 months

  • At this stage, the child should be able to walk, and may be capable of additional physical activities, such as running and kicking a ball.>
  • The child generally has control over bowel and bladder functions, and may be able to indicate when he or she needs to use the toilet.
  • The child’s language ability will generally be increasing, and he or she may be capable of saying around 200 words.

Not sure what to do if a two-year-old isn’t talking yet? Click here

Keep in mind that the ages above are merely a guideline – each child will develop at his or her own pace, and may sometimes take a little longer to reach a certain milestone.

If, however, you notice that your child (or a child in your care) is developing considerably more slowly than the norm, it would be advisable to consult a medical practitioner (or to suggest to the child’s primary caregiver that he or she consults a medical practitioner). While some developmental delays are entirely normal, others may indicate an underlying problem. In the latter situation, early detection can increase the likelihood that the delay will be effectively remedied.

If you are interested in learning more about childhood development, and would like to study towards a childcare qualification from home, then click on the link below:

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