“Whatever you do, you do it for you! No one else, if you have the papers/diploma or degree, it’s something no one can take away from you. Be kind to yourself and be patient”

Today’s blog is dedicated to Mariska Gombert, one of the first students who completed the senior certificate (as amended) at Oxbridge Academy. The first thing to catch our attention in Mariska’s correspondence was her email address, which contained the name Blommekind (meaning “flower child”). This is quite a whimsical name for someone who juggles being a wife, a mother of two, a distance-learning student, and a full-time employee at the same time.

Mariska was born in Springs, located in the East of Johannesburg and is lucky enough to have lived all over South Africa. In addition to being a mother of two young daughters, she works in a boutique. She says it has always been her childhood dream to become a teacher.

Mariska Gombert

Currently hailing from Port Alfred in the Eastern Cape, Mariska enrolled for the Senior Certificate (as amended) course in 2019. To register for this course, you must be 21 years or older and enrol in at least six subjects, two of which must be official languages. One language is studied at the Home Language level, and the other as a First Additional Language. She says she did the amended senior certificate because she realised it would enable her to further her studies.

And that is exactly what she did. After earning her Matric certificate, she enrolled for the N4 certificate in Educare. This course introduces the student to some of the basic skills needed to work in early childhood education and prepares them for further studies in this field. When asked why she chose to do the N4 certificate in Educare after the senior certificate (as amended) course, she said:

“I’ve just realized when my kids leave the house in a few years, I don’t have anything for myself. So why not start now? What kept me motivated is my children. They need me, and with the work, I’m doing now, I can’t even spend time with them. With child Educare I’ll have time, I’ll have holidays with them.”

She recommends the childcare field as there are children who are not getting the love and attention they need. She says they need education, love, and support:

“If I can make that change. Why not?”