We could all use a little bit of uplifting right now! So we’ve gathered up some inspirational quotes — from significant moments in history, to modern mantras — that you can draw on to help you through these testing times. 

“Keep calm and carry on!”

The British government in World War II first used these simple, but impactful, words. They were intended to keep civilians calm before German bombings on cities. But they also apply perfectly to all difficult times. In a time when you may well be feeling fearful or helpless, it helps to take a deep breath and keep going!

“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.”

Many people are being stretched to their breaking points during this time. You may be one the millions who has been battling with earning an income. Or, perhaps being locked up at home may be driving you up the wall. This quote from TV personality Fred Rogers encourages us to adopt an attitude of positivity. Rather than viewing the situation negatively, you can look at this is an opportunity to start a new, better path for yourself!

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr created these inspirational words as a prayer. They remind us that we are simply not able to change some things, and that accepting this fact can help to prevent unnecessary worrying. At the same time, you should focus on changing the things you can!

“The greatest compassion is the prevention of human suffering through patience, alertness, courage and kindness.”

These past months have forced us to draw on our reserves of patience and courage. Author Amit Ray reminds us to be alert to the risks around us, and at the same time show kindness to ourselves and to others. This message of compassion and empowerment is truly an inspirational quote for the world to live by.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Franklin D Roosevelt delivered this famous line during the economic hardships of the Great Depression. The quote reminds us that fear and panic can only make a difficult situation even tougher.

“COVIDIANS! As we wake from isolation, we will leave the past behind us and we will all become one.”

This modern quote from author Anthony Hincks relates to the fact that the whole world is suffering due to the coronavirus. Also, that when we emerge from the crisis, we will all become a stronger, more united world that strives for a brighter future.

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

This line from Beetles superstar John Lennon sings of hope and endurance. Despite our current hardships, we can adopt a positive attitude and realise that we can overcome the biggest hurdles!

 “We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends and living our lives.”

American poet Maya Angelou’s inspirational words apply perfectly to the current situation. As we go through times of lockdown, we are reminded that our time on earth is short, and that we should take this time to appreciate our loved ones more than we ever have before!

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