Distance learning is not for everyone – if you’re considering this option, you need to be disciplined and committed to your studies, and you must be able to work independently.

There are many advantages to studying via distance learning: for example, it gives you the freedom to study from anywhere, it’s more affordable than studying full-time at a traditional tertiary institution, and it allows you to work while you study (which enables you to earn an income while you complete your qualification).
Here are 5 tips to help you succeed as a distance learning student:

1) Plot your assignment deadlines on a calendar

Once you receive your course material, mark all your assignment deadlines on a calendar. Stick the calendar in a place where you can see it clearly, and refer to it regularly. It’s important to have a clear overview of your workload and due dates for the full duration of your course.


2) Submit all your assignments on time

Completing assignments not only gives you the opportunity to test your knowledge on specific topics, but it also contributes to your final score. Allow enough time for yourself to complete each assignment – don’t procrastinate and leave it to the last minute. Stay on schedule with your assignments. And when you receive your assignment marks, take some time to go through the feedback – it will help you to identify the areas of the work that you need to focus on.


3) Set long-term goals

Learn how to set goals effectively, and motivate yourself to achieve them. Once you’ve set your long-term goals, break them down into smaller, more achievable goals. When you do this, your goals will be more realistic, and you won’t feel overwhelmed when you think about the bigger picture.


4) Create an action plan

Plan day-to-day actions around your studies. Commit to spending at least 30 – 45 minutes per day on going through your course material. Use your short-term goals to implement your action plan and don’t lose sight of your long-term goal.


5) Ask for help

Contact your tutors if you have any questions about your course work. And if you find yourself struggling, ask for help. That’s what your tutors are there for – to help and guide you through your studies.


Want to find out more about how you can achieve success as a distance learning student?

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