You might ask yourself: “Why is it so important for me to develop and upgrade my business administration skills?”

Well, the answer is pretty simple – the administrative environment in South Africa is highly competitive; there are many candidates competing for relatively few positions. For this reason, it’s important that you give yourself an edge in the job market by keeping up to date with business trends and diversifying your skill set accordingly.

So what can you do to gain new business administration skills, as well to develop your existing ones? Here are 4 tips you can start using today:


1 – Brush up on your business knowledge:

There are various online and offline sources you can use to improve your business knowledge and to stay up to date with new developments in the business world. Try to get your hands on as much relevant reading material as possible so that you can gain a deeper understanding of important business aspects such as finance, marketing, and HR. This will help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable business professional.


2 – Take on new challenges:

One of the best ways to learn new skills is by taking on new challenges. If you are currently employed, a good place to start would be to approach your manager and to ask whether you could be given more diverse assignments, as well as whether you could be included in more challenging projects within the organisation.


3 – Participate in various projects within your organisation:

This is closely related to the previous point. Keep an ear open for managers and other employees who are looking for assistance with various tasks and projects in the office. You can also offer your assistance if you see that your own manager is overloaded with tasks and projects.

Not only will this give you the opportunity to develop new skills, but it will also help you to come across as someone who is proactive and willing to work.

What can I do if I’m not employed?

If you’re not currently employed, you can develop your business administration skills by offering administrative assistance to a community organisation, an NGO, or even a sports club in your area. It’s up to you to commit to developing your skills, and to take the initiative when it comes to figuring out how to do so.


4 – Enrol for a business administration course:

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, you can enrol for a part-time business administration course with Oxbridge Academy.

And if you’re currently working for an employer – don’t be afraid to ask your employer whether they’d be willing to pay for your course. There’s a good chance they’ll say yes. 

Want to find out more about studying business administration with Oxbridge Academy? Click here to find out more.