Let’s face it, the way leaders conduct their daily lives today differs immensely from the way things were done, let’s say, 10 years ago. Employees no longer want to be micromanaged; they want to be trusted, and they want to be led by leaders who are passionate and have a sympathetic heart.
This means that if you are currently occupying a managerial role, or would like to become a successful business manager in the future, you should consider adopting these 4 habits:
People who are naturally confident believe in their ability to handle new tasks and are not afraid to tackle these challenges with confidence.
When you display a confident attitude at work, you will notice that the rest of the employees will be naturally drawn to you. Inc.com talks about how “your confidence conveys a sense of calm during turbulent times, and great leaders do not waver once they commit to a course of action.” Who wouldn’t want to be that person in their workplace?
Be confident in yourself and in your role as a leader.
Managers who are sincerely concerned with their employees’ wellbeing are classified as great leaders. As a manager, you want your employees to feel appreciated, and showing your support will often play a huge part in empowering and motivating them as professionals.
An article on Inc.com explains that “when you help a top employee come up with a modified work schedule to help him get through personal challenges with his marriage, and you don’t burden others in the process, you’re being supportive of both your employee and your organization.”
Be the supportive leader who motivates and who shines light on the rest of the team.
Great leaders are sensitive towards their employees and have a natural instinct when it comes to the needs and concerns of their employees. (Source) Who wouldn’t want to report to a leader who is constantly asking for their input, driving and motivating them to perform at their best? I’d bet the answer is no one.
Think about your fellow employees and consider yourself to be their guardian and motivator for success.
Honesty goes a long way! Good leaders set the example when it comes to displaying honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour, not only in the workplace, but in their personal lives as well. And the leaders who set these examples in their workplace will reap the benefits of attracting and retaining dedicated and trustworthy employees. So next time you are faced with the challenge of having to confront an employee, think about the positive impact that your honesty can have on the organisation and on your employee’s chances of success in their career.
According to Boundless, “employees have faith in the leaders they follow. A leader who is not honest will lose legitimacy in the eyes of followers. Integrity and openness are essential to developing trust, and without honesty a leader cannot gain and maintain the trust needed to build commitment to a shared vision.”
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