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What’s Happening At Oxbridge Academy?

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Expert discusses options available to matric learners who have failed or whose grades were inadequate
With many learners around the country concerned about their upcoming matric results, Siyavuya Makubalo, marketing manager at Oxbridge Academy, wants them to know that regardless of the outcome, they still have options.


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The crucial role of skills courses on career prospects in a harsh economic climate
The current South African job market is brutal – having become increasingly competitive and unpredictable in the face of a volatile global economy, uniquely local constraints, and technological advancements…


Struggling to find a job? Try upskilling yourself
The current South African job market is brutal and has become increasingly competitive and unpredictable in the face of a volatile global economy, uniquely local constraints and technological advancements….

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Distance learning: The two non-negotiables for student success
The distance and online learning industry in South Africa and Africa as a whole is growing rapidly, with increasing demand for online education and the adoption of digital technologies…

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Distance learning: The two non-negotiables for student success
The distance and online learning industry in South Africa and Africa as a whole is growing rapidly, with increasing demand for online education and the adoption of digital technologies…

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Self-care tips for working students
There are thousands of distance learning and part-time students in South Africa who balance study, work and family life daily. The drive and determination of these students – who often hold down fulltime jobs successfully while advancing their career goals – is hugely admirable and worthy of respect.

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Vocational training goes online: Greater accessibility for prospective students
In recent years, the value of vocational training has been under the spotlight in South Africa, given the practical nature of this study path which provides quick access into a wide variety of fields. Due to the increasing popularity of vocational training among prospective students, a leading college has now expanded their offering to the online space, to increase accessibility to a number of their courses.

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How To Choose A Distance Learning Institution
Thousands of South Africans prepare to enrol in distance learning programmes each year, recognising the value of being able to earn while you learn and learn from the comfort of their own home.

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Short courses give foot up to graduates, matriculants
Projects come in all shapes and sizes, but the common denominators for success are competent project managers who will guide the work and bridge the communication gap between the client and the contractor…

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Call centres still a smart career choice – despite AI
An often-overlooked career option for South African school leavers is that of becoming a call centre operator. Given recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), some may now even discard this idea out of hand because of mistaken perceptions about machines taking over the jobs of humans in this field.

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Vocational training: bridging the skills gap & providing access to top careers
Hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions – of South African Matrics from the Class of 2022 are currently facing the challenge of deciding on their next steps, having not been successful in securing a university space. Because while the country’s public universities have received more than 4 million applications, there are less than 163 000 spaces available.

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Vocational Training 101: What it is, How does it work & Will it work for you?
When thinking about study options, many young people automatically think of a public university and a three year degree as their best, if not only way, to get a foot in the door to a successful career.


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Distance Learning: Disaster vs Success – The Factors That Let You Fly
Distance learning has been growing in popularity in recent years but has really come into its own as a method of study in the wake of the pandemic, given broadly changing attitudes and perceptions regarding education and the future of work.

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What options are there for Matriculants looking at study options for next year?
Marco Jacobs from Cape Community FM (CCFM) speaks to Sanet Nel from Oxbridge Academy on how Matrics can get a foot in the career door if traditional university education is not an option for them.

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Start Out In A Career As An Essential Community Health Worker
Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the bridge that connects our healthcare system to communities and serves as cornerstones in South Africa’s health care outreach initiatives. They are critical to health promotion, disease prevention, early diagnosis and referral, and helping people to stay on treatment and stay healthy.

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Radio Islam – Your World Today. How to ensure you choose the right educational institution
Distance learning offers a tremendous opportunity to prospective students to change their lives and prospects for the better. And if you do your homework and find an institution that offers a qualification in the field which interests you, while also being able to provide the support that is absolutely crucial for this mode of study, you can be almost certain of success if you are committed.

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CCFM – Cruise Control with Lady T
If you received disappointing Matric results, don’t despair. Here are 6 ways in which you can get back on track and pursue your dreams. You always have options; you just need to dust yourself off, do your research, and choose a path you feel comfortable with.

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Top 5 reasons to pursue vocational training
There are countless benefits to pursuing a vocational qualification, and many people don’t understand the many options available for school-leavers (and in some instances even people who have not completed school), or opportunities available to those who follow the vocational training path.


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Why Becoming A Legal Secretary Could Be A Good Career Move
For school leavers wondering what to study, or those keen on a career change or to upskill themselves, pursuing a legal administration job, such as a legal secretary, is a good choice – especially for those who want to try out the legal field and see if it fits before pursuing a full law degree.

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5 Tips to Help You with Job Searches
Grade 12 pupils are done with their final year exams. So, what’s next for them? With a summer job, you can get a foot in the door at junior level and build on this experience with every new job or responsibility you take on. Find a job related to what you want to do.

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Bush Radio Interview: Study Options
What study options are available to youngsters who are considering their future careers, and are there options for working adults who want to improve their education as well?

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Greater Accessibility To Education Creates Options Despite Covid Challenges
Covid and lockdowns have negatively impacted on the school, study and career options for countless people, but despite the fact that the world has changed, there are many accessible and affordable options available to those who need to finish their schooling, get a first qualification to get a foot in the door of their dream career, upskill, or re-skill into a new field, an education expert says.

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Smile 904 FM Interview with Ewan Strydom
In the past, no Matric pretty much meant no further study for most people. However, there are now excellent options available regardless of a person’s age or background, to allow them to finish school without actually returning to school. Today we elaborate on these options.

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3 Careers to Consider if You Want to Permanently WFH
After the experiences of last year, many people returning to the office are reconsidering their priorities and vision for their future. Among these are those who have realised that their skills are not sufficiently future-proof to withstand disruptions of the magnitude we faced in 2020, and others who realised that they are better suited to working independently from home.

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Alternatives to university for your teen
If you’re still looking for alternatives to university for your teen, this article might be exactly what you need! What do Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg have in common? They’re the founders of some of the world’s most successful companies – but yet none of them have a degree behind their name.

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Teaching Parents a New Lesson in Safe Education Payments

The South African school year has finally kicked off and soon universities will be re-opening too. For parents around the country, this means paying fees for their children’s education.


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The job market is TOUGH – 5 Tips to make your application stand out
Sanet Nel of Oxbridge Academy, a private college that serves more than 20 000 South African distance learning students every year, offers five top tips to boost your chances of success in the job market.

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New hygiene rules for businesses present career opportunities for South Africans
In recent years, the demand for Occupational Health and Safety professionals increased as a result of tightening regulations locally and globally. This demand is expected to rise even further in coming months as the world returns to work following Covid-19 shutdowns, as companies and organisations are compelled to ensure sites are as safe as possible for staff, customers and other stakeholders entering their premises.

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Is it time to re-evaluate your study goals?
The world after Covid-19 will be completely different to the world we knew before. As we all go into ‘reset’ mode, now may be the time to sit down and think about evaluating your study goals, an education expert says.

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The 4 Most Popular Distance Learning Courses For 2020
Four vocational qualifications are fast emerging as the most popular courses for distance learning students this year – Hospitality and Catering Services, Educare, Health and Safety, and Farming Management.

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5 Ways To Regain Focus While Studying From Home
As South Africans start getting used to the reality that working and studying from home are going to be with us for some time, many students continue to struggle with finding a rhythm and routine that lets them master their work effectively. But there are a few ways in which they can adapt and adjust to this new framework that will allow them to get back on track, a distance learning expert says.

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Oxbridge Academy grows African footprint
Oxbridge Academy already serves more than 27,000 students locally, and has seen great interest since it launched its offering in the rest of Africa last month. All learning materials and assignments, as well as feedback and marks, are provided online. This allows for international students to enjoy the same learning experience as their peers in South Africa.

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Weekend Live SABC Interview: The Demand for OHS Officers
The new normal for businesses now require stringent health and hygiene protocols be followed at all times. So most organisations, including schools and universities, may now require a dedicated and qualified Occupational Health and Safety Officer present onsite. This allows a rise in new job and career opportunities for South Africans in this field of study and profession. For more on this, listen to Sanet Nel from Oxbridge Academy.

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The Demand For OHS Officers Set To Rise
In recent years, the demand for Occupational Health and Safety professionals increased as a result of tightening regulations locally and globally. This demand is expected to rise even further in the coming months as the world returns to work following Covid-19 shutdowns, as companies and organisations are compelled to ensure sites are as safe as possible for staff, customers, and other stakeholders entering their premises.

Oxbridge Academy article

Essential study hacks for distance learning students
With all eyes directed at 2020’s first-year students as they start their journeys at various tertiary and higher education institutions across South Africa, it is also important to remember those tens of thousands of students who are starting out on a learning journey of another kind — studying from home via distance learning, an education expert says.


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Busting the myths: Think again if you thought further study isn’t for you
Despite South Africa’s massive unemployment crisis, there remains great demand in the world of work for suitably qualified employees in a range of fields. At the same time, there are thousands upon thousands of young people who are convinced that gaining the necessary skills to fill these positions are out of their reach, for a host of reasons which are often based on incorrect perceptions.

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Career opportunities in HR evolving as tech and AI revolutionise industry
Far from falling out of favour as an attractive career choice amid concerns that ‘AI is taking over human jobs’, Human Resources Management is in fact on the cusp of an exciting future as a result of technological changes.


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Why Matriculants Should Consider Vocational Study Next Year
“Too many young people opt for generic degrees at universities, and then later find that they are not adequately prepared for the real world of work, where employers look for people who can do specific jobs in specific sectors,” says Elbie Liebenberg, Principal of Oxbridge Academy, which serves more than 20 000 South African distance learning students every year.

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An alternate to university education
Sanet Nel, Marketing Manager at Oxbridge Academy, speaks to Kieno Kammies on Cape Talk about alternatives to university education. She says there is still a disproportionate focus on gaining a university degree and that people should look into vocational training options as the demand for qualified and skilled workers remains high.

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THE A TO Z Of Starting Your Own Early Childhood Development Centre in SA
There is a tremendous demand for quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in South Africa, but because of a lack of supply, thousands of young children still miss out on a solid foundation during the most important stage of their development.

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Great Careers That Don’t Require a Degree (or even Matric)
As hundreds of thousands of prospective students attempt to secure a place at public universities, with only a fraction of them likely to be accommodated due to limited capacity, education experts have highlighted the need for school-leavers to consider the many exciting careers that are accessible without degree study.

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Entering A Creative Industry? Stunning Social Media Skills Boost Employability!
Students in creative industries looking for that starter job can use social media to highlight their skills when employers check out their online presence.

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How to choose a career when you have no idea what you want to do
Some young people know from an early age what they want to be when they grow up. The vast majority, however, have no such certainty, and when the time comes for them to decide what they want to study, making a choice is a process riddled with uncertainty and anxiety.


Take Control and Nail Your Internship in 4 Steps
In South Africa’s tough job market, experience is an essential item on any CV. Yet these days, securing an internship to gain that experience is almost as hard as landing a job, and those who can get a foot in the door in this way should ensure that they make the most of the opportunity, an education expert says.

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Don’t Let Your Year Go To Waste – There Are Still Great Options For Study in 2018
With the academic year now in full swing, many prospective students who missed out on a space at their chosen institution, or those who considered furthering their studies but left it too late, mistakenly think that their chance will only come around again next year.

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Cape Talk: Afternoons with Pippa Hudson
Pippa Hudson from Cape Talks interviews Sanet Nel (Marketing Manager at Oxbridge Academy) and Lillian Hellerman (Owner at Au Pair at Home) on the topic of au pairs and the changing face of childcare in South Africa.


The 5 Most Popular Distance Learning Courses of 2018
In 2018, five fields have emerged as the top distance learning choices among students who need to earn while they learn, upskill, or gain a qualification to complement their practical experience.


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Au pairing is now a popular career choice in SA
Au pairing has evolved into a full-blown career in South Africa, in response to a consistent increase in the demand for qualified childcare professionals.

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Do we place too much emphasis on getting a degree?
Abongile Nzelenzele talks to Sanet Nel, Marketing Manager at Oxbridge Academy, about the various study options available to prospective students.

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How to Change Careers Without Checking Out of Life (or Work) for Three Years
A recent study found that millennials change jobs about four times in their first decade out of college. Yet for many South Africans desperate not to lose their source of income, changing careers may feel like too big a risk to take, so they soldier on for years or even decades, despite being unfulfilled and unhappy.

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How To Make Your Summer Job Work For You
With two months of freedom from exam papers and classes ahead of them, many Matriculants and students are wisely opting to use their time to gain some cash and experience. But there are ways to turn a summer job into more than the sum of its parts – to not only earn an income, but also to ensure that you enter the new year wiser and more empowered, an expert says.

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How to Change Careers Without a Hassle
Jasnine Roberts from Bush Radio talks to Sanet Nel (Marketing Manager at Oxbridge Academy) about ways to start a new career without checking out of your life or job for a prolonged period of time.


How To Bounce Back After Unsuccessful Job Applications
Being turned down time after time for jobs you’ve applied for can be intensely disheartening, but there are some proven actions candidates can take to ensure their applications improve over time, which in turn will improve their chances in the marketplace, an expert says.

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No Matric But Not Without Hope: SA Adults Turn to Distance Learning
NOT having a Matric can be a tremendous hurdle, but adults finding themselves in this position should not think all their options are ruled out forever and that study is an impossibility, an expert says.

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Demand for OHS professionals grows with increase in legislation
The demand for professionals in the health and safety fields is growing with the global increase in health and safety laws and regulations and the increase in personal injury litigation.

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Distance learning: Is it for you?
South Africa’s tough economic conditions, combined with limited space at public universities, is seeing thousands of students opt for distance learning annually. Students who need to earn while they learn, and people already in employment who need to upskill to boost their career prospects, consider distance learning an effective way to further their education.

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